Weight loss culture related to geography

Weight Loss Culture

 [Related To Geographical Region]

Some sorts of beliefs that worship lite and thinness of physical states and health benefits related to several geographical regions following dietary habits are nothing but a Weight Loss Culture. From one country to another, motives are the same but the weight loss culture is different. It also promotes losing weight and shedding extra fat by following local techniques and tools.

However, in reality, economically developed people tend to be more obese than economically less developed ones because they prefer to eat prepared, packaged, and processed food.

In some cases, body shape and appearance are more important than physical structure and psychological well-being but most show the opposite. 

Hence, the weight loss method not only depends on weight loss culture but varies on trend and region. In addition, it may lead someone to avoid unhealthy eating habits as well as mental health problems.

Here, we will discuss the weight loss culture from all over the world and prescribe you to follow the proper methods for how obese people lose weight in a balanced way.

 So, keep on reading to us to know the details. 

Asian Weight Loss Culture

Actually, weight loss culture does not only depend on culture but on countries’ trends and regions. The Asian weight loss plan encourages an increase in the consumption of fruits and vegetables, nuts, lemons, and soya proteins, as well as the consumption of more whole grains.

Asian Basic Food Habits to weight loss

Asian Food Habits

Let’s look at some Asian countries’ weight loss cultures. How do they practice weight loss methods?

The best Indian weight loss plan is a combination of the five main foods. For instance, fruits and vegetables; cereals and pulses; meat and dairy products Fats and oils

Japan ranks among the best weight loss techniques in the world. Hara Hachi Bu is Japanese for “Eat until you’re 80% full.” In this system, you don’t need to go to the gym. These tips have been proven effective as the healthiest and longest since the dawn of Confucius.

According to the Japan Health Organization, about 95% of Japanese prefer to take their meals three times a day. But dinner is the most important meal for them. However, 70% of Japanese people eat out once a month.

Again, 60% of people like to make homemade foods rather than buy them from elsewhere. This percentage has been calculated when conducting an online survey of trends in Japanese eating habits.

Avoid Carbs and Sugar rich food for weight loss

Carbs and Sugar Rich Food

Breakfast following the Asian with loss method:

They eat rice, natto, seaweed salad rice, miso soup, eggs, nori seaweed strips, and green tea.

Lunch following the Asian with loss method:

They would like to take mushroom soup, rice cakes, seared scallops, steamed vegetables, clam soup, rice balls wrapped in seaweed, vegetable salad, and green tea.

Dinner following the Asian with loss method:

Noodle soup, fishcakes, edamame, marinated vegetables, miso soup, sushi, seaweed salad, edamame, and pickled ginger are their favorite dishes.

In fact, the Japanese diet principle is the preference for quality over quantity. Plus, a well-balanced, freshly prepared meal is also the key to the Japanese diet and weight loss. So, follow the food menu as the Japanese take it to lose weight.

On the other hand, unlike the Japanese, the Chinese weight loss plan is almost different. The Chinese eat four meals a day, consisting of grains, vegetables, fruits, and meats (pork, beef, and mutton). However, rice and noodles are the staple foods of the Chinese. Besides, Puerh tea is known as one of the best teas to help lose extra weight.

Besides, the Chinese turn to low-calorie foods like salads and small-portion meals. As per the China Nutrition Society, 94% of Chinese tend to have to enjoy light meals once a week, and 55% enjoy light meals two to four times a week.

Next, He Ye is one of the best practices for medicinal and traditional herbs, which means Lotus Leaf for weight loss.

Coriander leaves, full of vitamins and minerals, work magically for weight loss and metabolic levels. Because it includes vitamin B and magnesium. So, you can add it to a salad or chutney.

Chinese avoid carbohydrates for weight loss

Full of Starch

Chinese Practice To Lose Weight

The Chinese follow the obesity prevention guidelines. They eat balanced meals, detox or green tea, fresh vegetables, and soup, and say no to snacking.

In fine, the above Chinese foods and tips perform excellently in helping you lose weight and be healthy.

Unfortunately, obesity and diabetes are randomly increasing in Bengali and some parts of India. This wouldn’t be a concern if they were a little more conscious and maintained food items during consumption.

A recent survey found that about 135 million Indians are experiencing obesity due to their unhealthy diet. This habit leads them to be lazy and to various diseases like heart attack, diabetes, and cancer.

Add more protein food in diet chart

Protein Rich food

Many of them rely on a toxic diet culture that encourages extreme weight loss by suggesting cutting calories. The methods seize one’s money, time, and health or happiness. It plays an adverse role in eating disorders, weight stigma, and health phobia.

Whatever the reason, we’ve compiled a calorie-free special foods menu from the National Institute of Nutrition designed specifically for Indians and Bengalis looking to lose weight and improve their health in a hurry.

Fortunately, the following diet plan is very effective and sustainable. So, scroll down to get the details.

Subcontinent people follow the below Diet Plan:

MealsWhat Should Eat
Breakfast½ cup coconut chutney + 1 cup green tea + 4 almonds/Daal- 2 moong, green tea-1 cup, almond- 4 pieces/1 cup vegetable oats + 1 cup green tea + 4 almonds, walnut or½ cup vegetable upma + 1 cup milk / green tea + 2 almonds

2 rotis or ½ white rice + 1 cup dal + 1 cup mixed vegetables with salad.1 serving of rice or 2 rotis+ 1 cup vegetable curry + ½ cup lentil curry + 1 cup salad + 1 cup low-fat curd½ cup white rice + 1 roti (with or without ghee) + 1 cup rajma + 1 cup salad + 1 cup buttermilk

Two rotis with mixed vegetables curry 1 cup low-fat curd+1 cup salad 1 cup warm milk /2 rotis + ½ cup mushroom + 1 cup warm milk with a pinch of turmeric before bed/2 rotis + ½ cup dal + 1 cup vegetable stew + ½ cup salad + 1 piece of dark chocolate + 1 cup warm milk before bed.
Asian Weight loss diet plans

As about 80% of the people in India are Hindus so they are known as vegetarians or Lacto-vegetarian. If you follow the above-mentioned “diet plan menu“, you will have a healthy and stylish life.

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Bengalis are well known for their creative culinary skills. They are passionate about their food menu. And this is why designing a diet plan is quite challenging. But like the Indians, the Bengalis also follow the dieting trend to lose weight.

Many Bengalis show their trends in losing weight without diet culture. Actually, it refers to the non-diet approach (Intuitive Eating). Again, it is a calorie-tracking app that reminds you of the pleasure of food and enhances hunger wisdom. Though it may not lose weight, it seeks healthy behavior.

Lankan Weight Loss Culture:

Another South Asian country, Sri Lanka, is also suffering from obesity due to its unhygienic food habits. Research shows that about 71% of Lankans face overweight problems.

However, conscious people are becoming more pescatarian, a plant-based diet that is a traditional Sri Lankan dish. The Lankan weight loss plan is designed with Appam, Kukul Mas Curry, Dall Curry, Jackfruit Curry, and pennywort curry.

They also prefer boiled rice served with a curry of fish and meat. Plus, they like to eat vegetables, fruits, and lentils.

Next, Pakistan’s weight-loss diet plan is full of healthy dishes. They prefer to have a wholesome and hearty breakfast within 20 minutes of getting up. For lunch, they have lentils, vegetable salad, curd with roti, or chickpeas. And, for dinner, they choose light dinner lentils with a spoon or a kabab with bread.

Say no to junk food

Fast Food and Junk Food

 Weight Loss Plans for Western (American)

Obesity in America is a burning issue for all citizens. Almost 70% of the population is overweight. Americans are tense about weight loss issues.

A study by Oxford University found that an obese person lives 10 years less than an average-weight person. According to a recent report, more than 50% of Americans want to lose weight and have a healthy life. The report also found that 40% of adult Americans are obese and 71.6% are overweight, including obesity.

Typically, the western American diet includes few fruits and vegetables but is high in fat and sodium. In particular, the western diet contains excess sugar and high calories.

The western diet plan is not exactly a healthier plan at all. Their plan covers fried foods, red meats, processed, carbonated beverages, and excessively salted, sugary snacks.

In most cases, Americans are getting to be familiar with the Noom weight loss culture. Noom is a mobile health app that has added psychological and behavioral change elements and encourages changing behavior to lead to weight-free and healthy living among the Turkish and Western populations. This diet plan also influences the brain and mental and psychological behavior.

Change junk food and carbohydrate

Junk Foods And Carbohydrates

The daily diets of Americans include saturated fats and refined carbohydrates, which lead to obesity, diseases, and being overweight. But the health-conscious people who follow the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, including-

  •  2-2.5 cups of vegetables
  •  2 cups of fruit, six-ounce grains
  •  3 cups of dairy, 
  • 5 and half-ounce proteins and
  •  27 grams of oil every day.

Canadian Weight Loss Culture:

Following the Western weight-loss culture, most Canadians like snacks. But typically, the Canadian diet is the same as the American or Western diet. However, very few raw natural ingredient foods like fruits and vegetables are grown in Canada. They emphasize the tips below for weight loss.

  • Choose healthy meals and cut 500 calories a day.
  • Drink a glass of water before eating.
  • Satisfy your sweet tooth with fruits and eat slowly.
Cake and processed food

Control Processed Carb Food

To lose weight, the Australian diet plan is enriched with colorful vegetables, fruits, whole grains, meats, poultry, fish, eggs, tofu, nuts, seeds, and beans. Plus, milk, yogurt, and cheese help mostly to reduce high cholesterol.

Australian Weight Loss Culture Tips:

  • Try to avoid too many oily foods, as ghee is healthy, but you should avoid it for the first few days.
  • Walk routinely and sleep at least 7-8 hours a day. 
  • Do meditation regularly as it helps to control your mental stress and physical tiredness.

Avoidable Foods in Different Weight Loss Cultures

Australians always try to avoid ready-to-eat and frozen foods like butter, vegetable oil, potatoes, burgers, fatty or fast foods, and soft drinks with heavy sweets.

European people like to take Neapolitan Pizza, French Fries, Polish Pierogi, Fish and Chips, Currywurst, Croissant, Moussaka, Skyr, and Cheese Fondue. Those are the most popular, but pizza obviously gets the first priority.

Rice- full of carbohydrate

Carbohydrate- Asian Food Habit

Unfortunately, most foods are full of huge calories from carbohydrates and fats but flourishing weight gain tendency and raising obesity at large.

The happy news is that they have also taken the issues as a social problem and are trying to change food habits and sluggishness. Converting a more carb diet to a high protein, and fruits and lessening consumption of foods outside the home is another example of health consciousness.

Final Thoughts on weight loss culture

We have already presented a real picture of weight loss culture in most countries in the world. Actually, food habits depend not only on the country’s culture but also on regions and trends that make a man perfect for his meals.

However, we have already discussed the best food menu/diet plan and trends of some countries around the world. Though their food habits lead them to obesity, they are trying to lose weight by maintaining an excellent diet.

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So, if you maintain the dieting menu, you will definitely feel better regarding digestion and gastritis and start to lose weight by burning fat within one week. 

And, ultimately, you will fall in love with your new lifestyle. So, keep on following the best weight loss plan for years and enjoy a life free from anxiety and feeling light and happy.

Yet, if you have any queries, don’t hesitate to leave comments for us. We will reach out to you with the desired reply.

Keywords: Noom diet culture, losing weight without diet culture, toxic weight-loss culture, eastern weight loss, Western weight loss, Americal weight loss, Australian weight loss, Canadian weight loss, Japanese weight loss, Chinese weight loss, Indian weight loss, Philippines weight loss, Bengali diet plan for weight loss, Pakistani weight loss, turkey weight loss, Arabic weight loss, Lankan weight loss

Written by- Abdul Motin, Lecturer of English

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