About this diet cookbook:
As we age, our bodies change; we sometimes gain weight without realizing it. This especially happens when we heat the 40s, and we struggle to understand why.
It’s natural to lose motivation to eat healthily and stay active when you cannot see yourself getting rid of those extra belly fats.
The good news is that you can prevent it!
The Whole-Body Reset is a special schedule for those who want to maintain a healthy weight and stay strong and active, especially in their middle years and as they move towards old age.
With the perfect management of the protein intake, this eating pattern will give you back your 30s shape! Thanks to this book, you will have all the tools to master the whole body reset diet with no effort and stress.
- How to manage the Whole Body Reset Diet principles to handle the protein intake in the right way with no room for mistakes
- The Magic of Protein Timing principle in Nutrition. How mid-age people will take advantage of the whole body reset diet thanks to this vital principle
- Tips and tricks to jumpstart your weight-loss journey and finally get the body and life you’ve always wanted.
- 220 Easy and Delicious recipes reset for quick weight loss, and metabolism reset to regain your vitality and energy
- Exercise and whole body reset diet. The perfect combination to explore the benefits of this diet
…And much more!
This book doesn’t focus on calorie-counting or restrictive diets. Instead, it focuses on resetting your body so you can lose weight naturally and keep it off for good.
The Whole-Body Reset is a special schedule for those who want to maintain a healthy weight and stay strong and active, especially in their middle years and as they move towards old age.
With the perfect management of the protein intake, this eating pattern will give you back your 30s shape! Thanks to this book, you will have all the tools to master the whole body reset diet with no effort and stress
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