Philippines Weight Loss methods

Philippines Weight Loss

Philippines weight loss plan includes a weight loss management program, a Filipino diet for weight loss, and an extraordinary health maintenance strategy. The plan will surely help you lead a healthy and overweight-free life instead of remaining on unhealthy diets.

The Philippines are not indifferent to losing weight but intend to eat an unhealthy diet sometimes. Even they are lagging behind India, Sri Lanka, and Thailand in respect of healthy lifestyles.

However, and whatever the circumstances, fortunately, we have planned a smart, healthy plan for you so that you can lose weight quickly and safely. Let’s go ahead and get specific.

Philippines Weight Loss using various methods
Weight Loss ways in Philippine

Philippines Weight Loss- A Practical Guide:

In this section, we will show you some beneficial methods for losing weight following Philippines diet plans, where burning fat is a matter of concern. Let’s keep scrolling down.

Dietitian suggestion for weight loss in the Philippines:

According to a recent survey conducted by the Department of Science and Technology’s Food and Nutrition Research Institute, approximately 27% Philippines are obese or overweight. Though most Filipinos are unconcerned about losing weight, health-conscious individuals like you, are looking for the best diet plan to burn their excess fat. So, Philippine weight loss is a matter of concern nowadays.

Weight Loss diet table
Diet Table for Weight Loss

As per the dietitian’s suggestion, if you are in the Philippines right now, you have to take a balanced diet or healthy foods. They prescribe eating protein-rich foods, eating slowly, having a regular breakfast, taking enough fruits and vegetables, and eating only when you’re hungry.

Philippine Diet for Weight Loss:

The Filipino diet for weight loss lacks variety in terms of foods. They mostly ate white rice, pork, and bread to contribute daily energy, which is all protein and carbohydrate sources. But there is a serious lack of vegetables, fruits, and dairy.

However, the nutritionist encourages you to take this Filipino diet food for weight loss.

They Are:

  • Almonds
  • Avocado
  • Black Beans
  • Blueberries
  • Brown Rice
  • Banana and
  • Cheese
Foods to lose weight
Weight Loss Foods

Whatever the scenario, here we will discuss the Philippines’ dishes for weight loss. Here is a list of healthy foods that you should try to lose weight.

Let’s follow the below chart;

BreakfastLunch Afternoon SnackDinner
-Boiled size Potato Medium size and Whole 1 cup of milk.


-Plain Oatmeal 1 cup and Banana 1 Piece/Boiled egg 1 piece/ Pandesal bread 2 pieces.

-Don’t forget to drink 1 glass of warm water
-Chicken Afritada breast ½ cup/ Chicken tinola ½ cup.

-Plain white rice with fish steward fresh fruit juice/ Corned Beef.


-Butter green beans, carrot/ papaya 1 slice/
-Whole white Bread 1 piece and Greek Yogurt 125 ML.
-Sagina La Saba 2 pieces.
-Chicken caesar salad 1 serving.
-Boiled egg 1 piece or 1 glass fruits juice or potato carrot ½ cup.

Plain white rice 1 cup with warm lemon with water or chia seeds 1 Tbsp.

-Pork Menudo.

-Plain white rice ½ cup with vegetables or 1 slice fish/ Fried chicken or butter corn or carrot 1 piece.

-Ginisang Kalabasa & sita ½ cup
Weight Loss Diet Table

Drinking For Losing Weight:

Aside from the food menu, drinking habits play an important role. Here are some especially recommended teas for decreasing weight and fat.

  • Green tea,
  • Puerh tea,
  • Black tea,
  • Oolong tea,
  • white tea and herbal tea.

Plus, you should drink more fresh water and avoid high-calorie alcohol and other beverages.

Weight Loss Management Program In the Philippines:

Mary France, the pioneer of FMS Elite (First Mobilization System), a popular and effective weight management program for the Philippines, FMS shows metabolic weight loss through the process of thermogenesis, which naturally leads to the burning of calories. The excellent program helps to burn up to 1000 calories per session.

Besides, the FMS Elite will convert your “white fats” to “brown fats” through its non-surgical and non-invasive fat loss treatment. As per health science, white fat stores energy that results in extra calories. Not only has white fat been linked to an increased risk of metabolic diseases, but you feel a risk of danger.

Use more protein for weight loss
More Proteins To Lose Weight

To protect it, FMS methods use a treatment that focuses on how to lose fat while keeping you active. Already, the system has been proven clinically. So, many Filipinos are rushing toward the First Mobilization System to get themselves a slimmer, healthier figure rather than going through an unhealthy starvation diet.

Ariel Torres, an obesity management specialist at FMS, stated that anyone can consistently lose 1-2 pounds per session or per week. That’s why people consider the FMS Elite treatment the best weight loss program in the Philippines.

On the other hand, Optifast is one of the most nutritionally complete programs for weight loss in the Philippines. In fact, it contains a very low-fat diet, which is considered the best management diet for losing obesity.

You can take this diet powder at home by adding 200-250 ML of cold or warm water. After mixing some water, you will need to stir and shake it to dissolve. This product is full of proteins and a source of fiber.

Plus, optifast is recommended for people with diabetes, hypertension, and high blood pressure. Weight loss with optifast is an excellent way to reduce your 800 calories per day as your body draws energy from its own fat. Therefore, book your order for Optifast products.

On the other hand, PhenQ Fat Burner is another option. Normally, PhenQ can lose up to 10 or more pounds per month. It is affordable and available to you. The price of PhenQ is considerable.

Also, here is the top-picked weight loss program for the Philippines. You can follow

  • Mediterranean Diet
  • Plane Based diet
  • Loom Miyo Clinic Diet
  • PlateJoy
  • Low carb diet
  • Anti-inflammatory die

Amazing 7- Healthy Filipino Food:

  1. Tanigue Kinilaw: Essentially, it’s raw fish soaked in vinegar.
  2. Gising: sigarilyas (winged beans) in coconut milk, chilies, and lean ground beef or pork…
  3. Chicken Tinola
  4. Ensaladang Pako
  5. Ginisang Ampalaya
  6. Nilaga and
  7. Ensaladang Talong

Practical Tricks to Reduce Your Belly Fat:

Though reducing belly fat is largely dependent on your body shape, you can maintain the below criteria to do so.

  • In the morning, drink one glass of warm water.
  • Control your mental stress.
  • Sleep at least 7 hours per day.
  • Walk for at least 30–40 minutes per day and take 90–100 steps in a minute.
  • Say no to smoking and alcohol.

Besides, you should eat a high amount of fiber to burn your belly fat.

Philippino Weight Loss- Final Thought:

Now, we strongly believe that you got a better idea about weight loss following the methods of the Philippines. Actually, a weight-loss diet doesn’t mean remaining with an empty stomach but rather having appetizing meals.

Weight loss, in fact, requires a great deal of patience and mindfulness. But the mission would be easy to maintain if you have weight management methods, as we have mentioned throughout the article.

So, there you have a shortage of time but are determined to lose weight, follow this well-proven and effective Pilipino weight loss method. Through your comments and our expert will respond as soon as possible.

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