Pakistani weight loss

Pakistani diet plan for weight loss

Nowadays, obesity has become a major problem in Pakistan due to unhealthy food habits.

In this case, we have provided a comprehensive guide on the Pakistani diet plan for weight loss. Here, we have researched well and provided the best diet plan, tips, and supplements for losing weight.

So, if you continue reading the guide till the end, you will definitely be able to lose the weight you’ve gained and lead a healthy life. Let’s go ahead. 

A low carb diet and fibrous foods as Pakistani diet plan for weight loss.
Foods to lose weight

Pakistani Diet Plans For Weight Loss (The Best Diet Plan)

In this writing, we will discuss the most effective Pakistan weight loss methods and prescribe how to maintain a healthy diet for building a flat belly body shape. So, get started below…

Best Weight Loss Diet Plan in Pakistan

There are a number of weight loss plans in Pakistan that will help you lose excess fat and maintain a healthy weight. Furthermore, the plan will lower your risk of heart disease, diabetes, and cancer, allowing you to be both healthy and happy. So, let’s follow a healthy diet plan that might help you lose the weight you’ve gained.

A Full-day Diet Plan for Weight Loss

MealsWhat Should Eat
    Early morningWarm water in one glass with lemon juice mixed with honey.
      BreakfastGreen tea; drink 2 sips of water and 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar
            Mid-Day MealsOmelets with two eggs, one slice of cheese, and sliced mushrooms, followed by green tea after a while.
                 Lunch:Grilled chicken or fish with sautéed vegetables.Salad (any vegetables, salad leaves, and seasonal fruits)
          SnacksStrawberries or almonds at snack time with green tea
Butter chicken or some vegetable chicken; lemon-infused green tea; chickpea salad; or red beans (rajma or laal lobia) salad.
Full-Day Diet Plan

Remember: All your dishes must be cooked in Deshi ghee or white butter. And drink 3-5 liters (8–12 glasses) of mineral water per day.

Pakistan's Traditional protein foods to lose weight.
Traditional Foods in Pakistan

Pakistan’s Weight Loss Tips

If you’re looking for a weight loss diet, these Pakistan’s weight loss tips will help you lose weight quickly.

  • Cook your meal at home.
  • Have a wholesome and hearty breakfast.
  • Ensure that all the ingredients are included in your diet plan.
  • Take a mediocre lunch with lentils, vegetable salad, curd with roti, or chickpeas.
  • Have your dinner at least 3 hours before going to bed at night.
  • Drink enough water per day for proper digestion and to lose weight.
  • Don’t starve yourself to lose weight.
  • Avoid sweetened foods and opt for beverages such as soft drinks. Plus, say no to cakes, puddings, ice cream, candies, and fried foods such as chips, French fries, etc., which contain high levels of sugar.

In addition, the healthy foods listed below should be included in your Pakistani weight-loss diet.

  • Tomatoes, cabbage, okra, mushrooms, spinach, pomegranate, papaya, apples, and bananas are examples of fruits and vegetables.
  • Legumes: This category includes chickpeas, black-eyed peas, lentils, kidney beans, and pulses.
  • Curd, yogurt, milk, buttermilk, and cheese are examples of dairy products.
  • Proteins: from chicken, fish, nuts, and seeds in a Pakistani diet
Weight loss food items
Foood Items

Pakistani Weight Loss Diet Plan for 7 Days

Diet plans differ depending on a person’s age, weight, and height. However, we have compiled a guide. The diet plan, which contains Pakistani foods, is ideal for long-term weight loss management.

Here is the super Pakistani diet for you: So, follow and maintain it to ensure a balance of nutrition for your weight loss journey. We recommend you moderate/ change the below menu according to your test or preference.


 For an ideal breakfast, you can take-

  • Egg sandwich or chana daal with a glass of milk/
  • Fruit juices like mango, apple, grapes, or guava with one boiled egg/
  • A bowl of cereal or a multigrain paratha mixed with yogurt


You should choose from the food menu for your lunch.

  • A bowl of salad or chickpeas with white rice/
  • Curry pokora with brown rice/
  • Vegetables or daal with one serving of rice or
  • Grilled chicken fillet with mint yogurt
  • 2 rotis with 1 type of lentil.


  • Plain chicken curry with a green salad and multi-grain roti/
  • Sprout salad or green salad with potato paratha and mint yogurt or multigrain roti/
  • Curry or spinach cooked with minimum-fat oil with brown rice and some fruits/ Grilled chicken with a green salad
  • One slice of fish with white rice and salad

Simple and Healthy Snack for Mini-Meals

You should accept a mini-meal in addition to your main meals, according to the diet rules. In this case, we have covered a list of healthy foods that you might consume during your weight loss period.

  • Green Tea
  • Seasoned fruits and fruit salad
  • Fruit smoothies
  • Protein shakes with nuts
  • Vegetables, cheese, and nuts
  • Walnuts, dates, and cashew nuts

The above foods will provide you with carbohydrates and proteins, which will energize you throughout the day.

Apart from maintaining your diet plan, you should build up some habits for effective weight loss.

They are:

  • Increasing meal frequency
  • Drink plenty of water.
  • Consume a lot of fiber.
  • Set a regular sleep schedule.
  • Set an attainable goal.
  • Exercise

Weight Loss Diet Plan for Women in Pakistan

According to dieticians, a balanced diet helps to burn extra calories while consuming the correct format and amount for a weight loss regime.

Whatever the scenario, we have designed an excellent weight loss management plan for females in Pakistan. So, if you stick to the plan with patience and diligence, you should be able to achieve your goal of living a healthy lifestyle within a reasonable time frame. Here are some weight loss tips for women. Let’s go through the section below.

Foods to Include in a Women’s Diet Plan


As carbohydrates are a great source of energy, you shouldn’t skip them from your diet plan. Simply choose the right carbohydrate nutrient types. For example, eat ragi, brown rice, and oats and avoid those with too much sugar, such as bread, white rice, and so on.


Proteins are the essential elements that help to repair cells and aid in the growth and development of bones, muscles, and skin. So, it is a must for weight reduction as it burns more calories than fat. Therefore, you should seek great protein sources through beef, chicken, mutton, salmon, tuna, and mackerel. Plus, both egg white and yolk, and low-carb vegetables. Remember to consume 1-2 slices per meal.


Fiber is also an important component of a female weight loss diet plan. It helps prevent constipation and improve digestion. Besides, fiber helps manage blood sugar levels by reducing cholesterol levels. You can get fiber in oats, flax seeds, apples, and so on.


The right proportion of fat isn’t bad for weight loss as it supplies energy to your body. The healthy fats are:

  • Polyunsaturated,
  • Monounsaturated,
  • Furthermore, omega-3 fatty acids

Of course, it should account for 20% of a female weight-loss diet plan.

Finally, make sure you’re getting enough vitamins A, E, B-12, and D, as well as the minerals calcium and iron, which help with metabolism and muscle function.

You should also eat fruits and vegetables such as tomatoes, spinach, okra, cabbage, mushrooms, papaya, pomegranate, guava, and apples, which are good sources of vitamins and nutrients.

Low Fat diet as Pakistani diet plan for weight loss
Low Fat Diet

Quick and Safe Tips For Women’s Weight Loss

If you are a woman in Pakistan looking to build a healthy and strong body, we are confident that Pakistan weight loss diet plan tips will benefit you.

  • Prepare a fresh meal at home.
  • Check that your diet chart includes all food groups.
  • Never skip your healthy breakfast.
  • Walk for 30 minutes at least once a day.
  • Take fiber-rich foods.

Breakfast: Ensure your breakfast includes hearty and wholesome foods like paratha, idlis, bread, and eggs.

Lunch: You should make sure your medium lunch has dal, sabzi, roti, and curd, or rice, rajma, chole, etc

.Dinner: The meal should include khichdi, dal chawal, or curd rice. You must eat your dinner at least 2 hours before bedtime.

Apart from the main meals, increase your mini snack items for the whole day. It should contain fruits, nuts, salads, peanuts, etc.

  • Avoid packaged, processed, or ready-to-eat foods.
  • Chew your food slowly.
  • Drink enough water for the whole day, as it is essential for losing weight.
  • Have a sound sleep. It would help if you slept 6-7 hours per night.

Supplements for Weight Loss In Pakistan

There are lots of medicines or pills in the world to lose weight. But some are scams or frauds that might have side effects or aren’t sustainable. Here, we will suggest the best pills for losing weight in Pakistan. They are:

Buchu Leaves: A natural weight loss supplement.

Uva Ursi: A detox agent that cleans urinary.

Senna Leaf: helpful for constipation.

Lactobacillus Acidophilus: A detox agent to clean the digestive tract. It reduces weight by maintaining healthy absorption.

Dandelion Root: A detox agent that helps clean the liver.

Chromium: It improves the absorption of sugar and gives you energy and your carbohydrates can’t turn to fat.

Note: All the above supplements have a proven track record and are recommended in a 7-day weight loss medicine in Pakistan but you are highly recommended to use those following the advice of a dietitian.

Plus, you can try the best weight loss pills that are well-proven to reduce your weight and appetite.

  • Lipo 6 Black UC Hers: (Only For Women)
  • Lipo 6 Black: (Both for Men and Women)
  • Hydroxycut Hardcore Elite
  • Labrada Garcinia Cambogia

Apart from maintaining a weight loss diet, try to get an authentic online store to purchase 100% original weight loss products in Pakistan at the cheapest rate. The cost could be $36 (approximately R.s/ 3700).

Wrapping word

Weight loss success, in fact, is dependent not only on a strict diet but also on a great deal of discipline beyond diet and exercise.

Men and women alike can benefit greatly from a simple change in their lifestyle. In this respect, your daily routine strategies will ensure your maximum results, promote a healthy life, and lead to sustainable weight loss.

However, we have compiled a comprehensive guide on Pakistani weight loss methods. This guide contains weight loss pills, tips, and a diet plan for both men and women in Pakistan. So, follow the given tips and guidelines to lose excess weight.

If you have anything to share with us, don’t hesitate to knock us. Our expert will reply to your query ASAP.

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