Freshness of skin and body

Personal freshness does not only mean having baths daily and using long-lasting fragrances. The actual problem of overall body freshness is how to manage our body odor that emanates from all over the body, especially from the hidden joints of the body like armpits.

The human body bears approximately two million sweat glands all over it. It is an important function for keeping the body functioning and cooling when doing hard work, even when sitting in a low moisture place.

Perspiration itself does not reproduce the bad odor of the body unless it comes to contact with the bacteria in the air. Every part of the body is perspiring even our face and skull akin but some places like the face can be washed out frequently to remove sweating but places like under the arms can’t be washed out easily and supposed to use deodorant or antiperspirants to reduce the flow of sweating or destroying the function of bacteria.

Ways of keeping Fresh:

Using artificial mechanism:

Cleaning yourself is the best solution for keeping the body fresh but things are not as easy to be exposed to the environment for more than 8- 10 hours or doing an official job out from your home where no available facility to keep clean your body using water rather you have to depend on the deodorants or antiperspirants. Always try to apply antiperspirant deodorant in the morning after washing.

Having a shower when needed:

Many people use to have a shower in the morning before going to the office but it mostly depends on the working place you are in. The sportsmen can not rest unless washing body after coming back from the sport, a day worker can’t resist having a bath when coming back from the work, but your body mechanism alerts you about bathing whenever necessary. Our body secretes chemicals to remove odor or protect your body from bacterial invasion. This natural protection can be used while outing in the deep forest, desert, or sea where there is not enough facility to have a shower. Use soap in your shower and rinse that out clearly which will remove all bacteria that are attached from the surroundings but not keep any trace of soap which makes your deodorant less working.

Use absorbent for your body:

Especially oily skin is applicable for any kind of absorbent or powder that can be used in the armpit or any sweating area of the body to keep it fresh and bad odorless. But sometimes powder will block your sweating pores and inhibits perspiration that may cause your uneasiness and eventually raise prickly heat. In the winter season, you can use moisturizing creams all over your body to protect your skin from dryness and in the summer season, it might be applicable when working in an air-conditional official environment that will protect the body skin from shrinking before age or age mark on your face.

Use cotton fibers to breathe enough:

The cotton or wool fabric is much more comfortable during the summer season or in the hot weather as synthetic fabric may cause itchy and uncomfortable which makes more sweating and finally bad odor of your body.

Use wet tissue or sanitary wipes:

If you are in a humid climate and don’t have enough time for a good shower, it might be helpful to use a wet tissue to wipe yourself using unscented wipes and reapply deodorant and start a new session.

Keep your personal equipment fresh:

Personal using tools like your bag, scarf, cap, shoes, and even your handset cover should be kept clean and fresh might also be causes for the bad smell from your side. Daylong using your bag may shower with your sweating and repetition of using this way can hamper your freshness.

Take care of your surroundings:

Your washroom, bathroom, kitchen room, dining room, and even bedroom should be kept clean and fresh. Though it is not always a publicly exposable space, it might cause you infected with bacteria and viruses and hamper your freshness.

Finally, a fresh body represents a fresh mind and makes you and your surroundings healthy and sound. In some religions, keeping fresh is part of worshiping.

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